Everything you need to complement the treatment unit
Competence Center Industry Solutions
Custom solutions from a single supplier
DÜRR DENTAL is a leading manufacturer of dental products. Our range features incredibly powerful compressed air and suction systems alongside innovative and intuitive digital imaging systems and highly reliable hygiene products. Additional components and products are needed by industrial customers to complement the treatment unit. As a professional partner to treatment unit manufacturers, our highly qualified team is on hand to cater to your every need.
Expertise – catering to your specific requirements and standards
- Add value and work efficiently in a safe environment
- Components for suction systems sourced directly from the inventor of spray mist suction
- Products for treatment units, carts and so much more

Service – staying flexible with you in mind
- Customer-specific components
- Custom solutions, special designs
- IoT platform software and network solutions
- Extensive experience in integrating components into the treatment unit

Action – working with you every step of the way
- Training delivered by our local branches and representatives around the world
- One-to-one support for research and development
- Training and workshops

Product portfolio
Everything you need to complement the treatment unit
Product solutions, consultancy and training – all from a single source
Custom solutions and special designs to suit your requirements
We are by your side as a partner every step of the way
Our solutions keep integration simple and installation times to a minimum

Global network